Sunday, March 3, 2013

Centex is making waves - Dallas Business Journal:
Accounting firm Deloitte LLP and several otheerlarge prospects, including corporationas considering relocating from outside the state, are knowb to be interested in the space, accordinbg to Uptown office brokers familiar with the prospective deals. The leasinfg agent at the buildings Centec is expected to leavrsaid she’s optimistic about the chances of findiny a new tenant or tenantse to fill the space quickly, despite the overall slowing market for office space. “This is a greatf opportunity for us.
We have great demand righft now onthe buildings,” said Jihan Boury, vice president of developmentg and leasing for Harwood

Monday, February 25, 2013

DDLS receives 2012 APAC Citrix Authorised Learning Centre of the Year Award - CFO World

DDLS receives 2012 APAC Citrix Authorised Learning Centre of the Year Award

CFO World

"It is an honour to present DDLS as a Citrix APAC 2012 Partner award winner," said Nicholas Thomas, Citrix APAC Readiness, Education Manager. “The Citrix Authorised Learning Centre (CALC) Award recognises DDLS's performance and achievements as ...

and more »

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Lingle orders unpaid days off for workers - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
In an address broadcast from theStatwe Capitol, Lingle also said she wouldr scale back free Medicaid benefits to low-income adults and said the state would delay paying some of its large bills until July. The governor is also asking the the Legislature, and the Office of Hawaiian Affairzs to implement equivalent furlough days or restrict their Hawaii law does not allow ordering furloughs for the Departmenrt of Education, the University of Hawaii or the Hawaii Healtbh Systems Corporation, but Lingle said their spending will be restricted in an amounty equivalent to the three-days-per-month furlough. The which start July 1, amoungt to about a 13.
8 percen pay cut, or about $5,500 for a worker makinh $40,000 a year. As with Lingle does not have to negotiats the furloughs with any of the unions representinghstate workers. Lingle has said she doesn’t want to lay off workeras because of the disruptive effect of contract rules that wouls enable senior workersto “bump” junioer workers, even if they worked in different state The furloughs will save $688 million. Lingle said the savingas are needed to close a gapof $730 million between now and June 30, 2011, as forecast by the state’s Council on Revenues May 28. All Hawaii is expected to see tax revenue fallby $2.7 billio n over the next two years.
“If we do not implementf the furlough plan, we would have to lay off up to 10,000p employees to realize an equivalent amountof savings,” Lingld said. The state has about 46,000 workers, including 21,000 employeeds of the Departmentof Education. Lingler blamed the fiscal shortfall on thelingerinb recession, rising unemployment, dropping visitor arrivals, a decline in privatd building permits, a doubling of foreclosures, and record bankruptcy levels. The state Legislature ended its session last month by raising tax rates onhotel rooms, high-incomd earners, luxury home transactions and tobacco to help meet the budget shortfall.
But Lingle, a Republicajn whose vetoes of those measurex were overridden bymajority Democrats, said she woulx not ask for additional tax increases. She also rejected calles for legalizing gambling. Lingle noted that 70 percent of state operatinb funds go to labor costs and that the statr had provided employee wage increase of between 16 and 29 percent over the past fouryears “when our economy was thriving.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Fact Sheet: Examples of How the Sequester Would Impact Middle Class ... - (press release)

San Francisco Chronicle

Fact Sheet: Examples of How the Sequester Would Impact Middle Class ... (press release)

Unless Congress acts by March 1st, a series of automatic cutsâ€"c »

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sebelius defends NBAF site selection as Texas group threatens legal action - Wichita Business Journal:
The Texas Research Park in San Antoniok was a finalist forthe lab. The San Antonio Express-Newa reported that a news releases from the Texas consortiumkalleged “serious irregularities in the decision-makinf process, improper political influence and disregard for public Tom Thornton, president of the , said in a statemenr that “(a)fter an exhaustive, three-yeat process that ended with a unanimousa decision by experts in the the federal government chose Kansas as the best home on the merit s for a new researchg facility to protect the American food supply and agriculturd economy.
” Thornton said that “Kansas offera a solution, not a site” to the problej of protecting the nation’s food “and the Department of Homeland Securitt deserves commendation, not litigation, for the extremely comprehensive and fair processe it undertook” to pick the facility’s Research at the facility will focus on protectinb the food supply by studyingy pathogens that are harmful to animals and including potentially life-threatening diseases for which there are no The lab will replace the aging in New Construction of the roughly 500,000-square-footf facility is expected to take four years. Work coulds begin next year.
The laboratory is expected to costbetwee $650 million and $725 million. “Kansas presented a credible pathway to jumpstartthe NBAF’s criticall research mission and committed funding to do Sebelius said. “The Department of Homelanf Securitydeserves commendation, not for their appropriately comprehensive, fair and unbiased selection

Thursday, January 31, 2013

EMC beefs up Mass. presence with Cambridge lab, MIT sponsorship deal - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
The Hopkinton, Mass., storage and information managementgian (NYSE: EMC) said Wednesday the Media Lab sponsorshil is one of several initiatives coordinated out of EMC Researchn Cambridge, which will be located at 11 Cambridge Ctr. in Mass. The center will house EMC’z security-business research lab, RSA Laboratories, as well as aboutr a dozen researchers, technologists and business leadersacroses EMC’s business units. The company also has research facilities in China andSanta Calif.
“Research and advanced technologyu groupsacross EMC, along with our global university research are discovering and exploring new technologieas that will shape the futured of digital information,” said Jeff EMC senior vice president and chiet technology officer, in a statement. “Thiss is an incredible opportunith for EMC to bring togetherr some ofthe world’s leadingg research minds and innovators in areasa such as personal informationn management, information integration and cloud computing.
” As a consortiuj sponsor of the MIT Mediz Lab, EMC will be able to access the center’s researcnh on how people use and interact with new EMC said its initial collaboration will be on new modelsz for data ownership and interfaces for business transactions and health care IT A consortium sponsorship costs $200,000 per year for a minimumj of three years. Sponsors receive full intellectuakl property rights to technology developedr at the lab during their The announcement comes a week after EMC and a grouo of universities and technology companies announcedd the development of a high performance computing researc h facilityin Holyoke, Mass.
Other tech giants have built dedicated R&D lab in Cambridge in recent years. MSFT), (Nasdaq: GOOG) and (NYSE: IBM) built researchh centers in the city in the pasttwo

Saturday, January 26, 2013

OSI Pharmaceuticals to close Boulder office - Denver Business Journal:
Melville, N.Y.-based OSI (NASDAQ: OSIP) plans move its U.S. operationds to a 43-acre campus it bought in N.Y., for $27 the company announced. “We have recognized that we will only trul y capture the full strategic value of our oncology franchiss if we simplify our business by bringinf together all the elements ofour U.S. operations onto a singlw site,” said Colin Goddard, CEO of OSI, in pres s release. The property it bought also will provide OSI spacse forfuture expansion. The company told the Boulder Camerqa newspaper earlier this year that it employeds 145 people inthe city.
OSI acquired its Boulder site in 2001 when it boughtfthe Boulder-based oncology unit of Gileard Sciences, formerly NeXstar Pharmaceuticals. OSI’s main drug is the cancer treatment Tarceva, whic h accounted for more than 80 percent ofthe company’ws $379.4 million in 2008 In addition to oncology, the company also researchex diabetes and obesity therapies in England. Consolidating OSI sites in New York, New Jerseu and Boulder at the Ardsley location is projectecd to save thecompany $15 million The moves will affect an estimated 350 U.S. the company said.
The company will receive New York economic incentivea because it decided to remain inthe state, OSI said in a pressx release.